
What is an Embryo?

How is the embryo formed?

The oocyte taken in IVF treatment and the sperm cell taken from the man are fertilized in the laboratory, the embryo is formed by the exponential increase in cell division every day. Embryo formed 2-5. placed in the mother's womb. The 2nd and 3rd day embryo is called the cleavage embryo, the 4th day embryo is called the morula, and the 5-6th day embryo is called the blastocyst.

In which liquid does the embryo develop?

Develop in special synthetic liquids containing various proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals called Medium in the laboratory environment.

What is the difference between a fresh embryo and a frozen embryo?

There is no difference between fresh embryo transfer and frozen embryo transfer in terms of pregnancy chances. Although there are studies showing that the chance of pregnancy may increase, as the frozen embryo transfer is transferred in a more natural hormonal environment; There is not enough scientific data to support freezing or fresh transfer of all embryos except for necessity.

Why is the embryo frozen?

In IVF treatment, 1 or 2 embryos are transferred depending on age and number of trials. If there are embryos of increased quality, we recommend freezing them. If there is no pregnancy or when there is a desire to have a child again, the chance of pregnancy can be obtained by preparing the uterus with frozen embryo transfer and by making an easier and less costly treatment.

Sometimes, it is necessary to freeze all embryos and not to make fresh transfers in the following cases:

  • If there is an excessive ovarian response,
  • If hormone levels are not suitable for transfer,
  • If embryos are to be genetically screened,
  • If the lining of the uterus is thin,
  • If a pathology that prevents attachment such as uterine fibroids or polyps is detected, fresh embryo transfer is not performed, all embryos are frozen.

How many embryos should be in IVF?

Even a single healthy embryo is sufficient to establish a pregnancy. In our country, there is a single embryo obligation in the 1st and 2nd in vitro fertilization trials in patients under the age of 35. On the other hand, 2 (two) embryo transfers can be performed for patients over 35 years of age and/or having 3 or more attempts. The remaining embryos can be frozen and stored at the request of the couple.

Where is the embryo left in IVF?

Embryo transfer is usually a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia and is similar to a gynecological examination. The embryo is placed into the uterus with the help of a special catheter .

Where are embryos stored?

Your frozen embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen tanks at (-196)®C at the center where you have IVF treatment.

For how many years can the embryo be frozen?

In Turkey, your embryos can be frozen for 5 years by making an annual extension application legally.

How many years can you get pregnant with a frozen embryo?

In our country, embryos can be frozen up to 5 years legally by the Ministry of Health. Time extensions can be made in special cases. In the literature, there are pregnancies obtained with frozen embryos for 10 years or more. Recently, the news of a couple who had a child with a 30 years old frozen embryo in the US was also on the agenda.