
What Is A Reproductive Health Check-Up?

The chance of having a baby can be known by undergoing a reproductive health check up. Because of either male or female infertility, almost one out of five couples cannot have children although they wish to. While the incidence of infertility is almost the same both for males and females; infertility in couples occurs at a 30-40% rate because of causes in female partners, at 10-30% rates because of causes in male partners, and at 15-30% rates because of causes involving both partners.

In 10-15 percent of couples, no causes are found and this is called unexplained infertility. Couples may not wish to have children as soon as they get married but that does not mean that they will always have the same chance for having a baby. Eurofertil Center for Assisted Reproduction Treatment advises newly married couples to undergo a reproductive health screening as soon as they get married. Of course, this advice is valid not only for married couples. Every young adult, who plans to become a parent at a later age, needs to undergo a reproductive health check-up before it is late.A woman's twenties are the ideal ages to become pregnant. While the chance of becoming pregnant is 25% at these ages, the chance starts to decline by advancing age. Age is the most important factor affecting female fertility. Therefore; everyone, who wish to have children in the future, should undergo reproductive health screening and to check the status of their fertility. Early diagnosis is of great importance for couples wishing to have a baby because a decline in fertility occurs after the age of 35 in women. The decline in fertility starts to accelerate after the age of 40. Although it varies from person to person, the fertility rate becomes approximately 1 percent after about 44 years of age. In short, women has a reproductive span but this period is unfortunately not so long. For these reasons; having children is a decision too important to be postponed in life while couples can postpone having fun, saving money, and having status. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo reproductive health tests.

Reproductive health tests comprise physical examination of the candidate mother and the candidate father, semen analysis, blood tests, and other specific procedures. The appropriate timing for having babies are determined via these tests; also, factors with a potential to cause infertility are identified and treated.

Alarming time for infertility is estimated for each individual couple specifically. For example; if a 30-year old or an older woman does not become pregnant within 6 months of regular intercourse without any contraception, this means that there is a problem. However, the waiting period can be extended up to one year for a woman in the 20-30-year-old age group.


Are Reproductive Health Checks Difficult?

When couples hear about reproductive health checks, they imagine complex, time-consuming, or sometimes painful procedures. However, these concerns are not real.

The combination of tests making up a reproductive health screening is a process that starts with simple steps such as taking the detailed history of candidate mothers and fathers, their physical examination, subsequent semen analysis, and blood tests. Then; if necessary, further examinations can be performed including biopsy, laparoscopy, or medicated uterine films. As a result of these examinations, a special chart is created specific to each person's condition. Eurofertil Centers of Assisted Reproduction Therapy effectively applies personalized treatment options and schedules reproductive health tests in light of candidate parent histories based on the understanding that each couple or each person should be evaluated individually. Recent studies have provided evidence that chances of fertility increase via personalized approaches.

How Much Does the Reproductive Health Check-Up Cost?

The cost of tests is an important issue that the couples are curious about. Tests are planned for each person specifically. There is no need for couples to worry about the cost of the tests because adequately performed indicated tests not only reveal the chance of a couple to have children, they also provide critical data to guide treatment planning. When couples try to have children without undergoing such tests; they will perhaps not only lose time and their confidence due to unnecessary and inadequate therapy practices but also spend extra money for unnecessary interventions.

The Importance of Undergoing A Reproductive Check-Up

Quite simple tests that show the ovarian reserve in women and determine the condition of sperm in men are available for use. Owing to technological advances, we can have access to actual information in the most accurate way today. An 'anti mullerian' (AMH) hormone test reveals the egg reserve inside the ovaries. Besides informing about the age of menopause onset; I personally think that an important convenience of this test is the option to perform it any time during a menstrual cycle. Also, the sperm test in men provides information in detail about the reproductive capacity of males similar to the AMH test in women. A SEMEN ANALYSIS (Spermiogram) measures the quality of sperm samples taken from the male; revealing namely the number, shape, and motility of sperms.

It is recommended that every married couple should undergo a sperm test, ultrasonographic examination, and an AMH test. These tests are highly simple. These are the tests that can provide results in about a few hours. Also, these tests warn the couple early in case of any problems.

Quite simple tests that show the ovarian reserve in women and determine the condition of sperm in men are available for use. Current technological advances allow for access to actual information in the most accurate way today. The 'anti mullerian' (AMH) hormone informs us about the egg reserve inside the ovaries. If AMH levels are less than 1; then, we should hurry up. A hormone level over 3-3.5 means that the woman has too many eggs. The test also informs about the age of menopause onset. An AMH test can be performed any time during a menstrual cycle.

Would you like to have children any time in your lives? Please visit our center and undergo a reproductive health check-up!