
Microinjection (ICSI)

What is Microinjection?

In classical assisted reproduction treatment, the sperm and the egg cell are brought together expecting that the sperm cell is expected to fertilize the egg cell. However; when the number, motility, and the count of normally looking (normal morphology) sperm cells are not sufficient to fertilize the egg, a single sperm cell is selected and taken into a thin glass needle by using a special instrument. This sperm cell is injected directly into the egg cell under a microscope and fertilization is completed. This is called microinjection, meaning that it is a different assisted reproduction treatment method. The method to monitor and follow-up of the patient is the same as described in the classical assisted reproduction treatment method.

The sperm is taken into the needle and injected into the middle of the egg cell.

Who is suitable for undergoing microinjection?

A very low count, motility, or percentage of normal (sperms with normal morphology) sperms:

These problems can exist individually or they may coexist. This method can also be applied in cases, where sperm quality is sufficient for the application of the classical method of assisted reproduction treatment.

Antisperm antibodies: 

In some cases, antisperm antibodies are detected in the female body. Antisperm antibodies prevent the sperm cell from fertilizing the egg cell. In such cases, microinjection therapy can be selected as the treatment of first choice depending on the quantity and characteristics of the antibody.

Patients with fertilization failure with IVF: 

In IVF patients with a fertilization rate below 10%.

Conditions that require the collection of sperms by surgery: 

When sperms will be collected from the epididymis or testicular tissue.

Microinjection Procedure